Current practices in the national criminal justice system in Spain. National Report Spain (EN) National Report ES
Current practices in the national criminal justice system in Spain. National Report Spain (EN) National Report ES
Current practices in the national criminal justice system. National report -EN National report -DE
On June 4, 2020, a meeting between experts and stakeholders took place. The event was organized in virtual format through the Go to Meeting platform. The Pro Refugiu Association (Romania), the Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria), Solwodi (Germany), Dinamia S. Coop Madrid (Spain), the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control HEUNI (Finland) […]
Finnish country report – Status of victims of crime and current practices National Report Finland (FI) National Report Finland (EN)
National report with information regarding current practices in the Bulgarian national criminal justice system National report Bulgaria (BG) National report Bulgaria (EN)
This report analyses the provisions found in national legislation and also presents a number of practical issues following the information obtained with the support of Romanian institutions such as the Superior Council of Magistracy, the National Institute of Magistracy, tribunals and prosecutor’s offices. National Report (RO) National Report (EN)